
101 Questions OC *Svein*

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101 Questions You Should Be Able to Answer About Your Character

1. What is your full name? Do you have a nickname?
 Svein, Randy, Martin (not real last name) nickname varies.

2. How old are you? When is your birthday?
 13, September 11

3. Where were you born? Where do you live now? Are you patriotic?
 I was born in the south-western part of Florida, and now live in northern Florida. Nope.

4. Who are/were your parents? (Names, occupations, personalities, etc.)
 Late father and mother are Isaac Solomon Brack, mother was Sheryl Sanders Brack. Adoptive parents are Matilda Martin and George Martin

5. Do you have any siblings? What are/were they like?

6. What is your occupation?
Explosives expert

7. How tall are you? How much do you weigh?
5'7" 115 pounds.

8. What color is your hair? What color are your eyes?
Dark brown, grey-blue.

9. What is your race?

10. To which social class do you belong?
Lower middle

11. Do you consider yourself to be attractive? Do others?
No, I don't know, I've never asked.

12. What is your style of dress?
School uniform, with a trench coat on top.

13. Do you have any scars? Tattoos? Birthmarks? Other unique physical features?
Too many scars to mention, and my left arm is at an odd angle from it being set wrong.

14. Do you have any allergies, diseases, or other physical weaknesses?
Fragile left arm.

15. Are you right- or left-handed?
Both. I was left until my arm broke, and now I'm ambidextrous.

16. What does your voice sound like?
A voice.

17. What kind of vocabulary do you use?
Depends on my mood, sometimes shallow swearing, other times verbose intellectual insults.

18. List three quirks or other defining characteristics.
I twitch a lot, I always wear a trench coat, and I favor my left arm. I also have a habit of biting my nails.

19. How often do you bathe? Do you wear perfumes?
Once every day. Nope.

20. What kind of facial expression do you commonly wear (dour glare, wry smile, etc)?
Worried frown, I'm very paranoid.

21. Do you use body language? How?
Sort of, I usually slouch and keep crunched up, I'm usually looking over my shoulder.

22. Do you have a commonly used saying?


23. What is your earliest memory?
My dad beating the living shit out of me.

24. How much schooling have you had? Did you enjoy it?
I'm still in school, and so far it's gotten me in more trouble than it's worth.

25. Where did you learn most of your knowledge and skill?
TV shows, books, school, practice, and time.

26. How would you describe your childhood in general?

27. As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Dead, or a florist.

28. When and with whom was your first kiss?

29. Are you a virgin? If not, when and with whom did you lose your virginity?
Yes, I'm only 13 you sicko.

30. Do you have a notorious or celebrated ancestor? Does that affect you?
Not really.


31. What do you consider the most important event of your life so far?
Probably going to jail.

32. What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Killing my father.

33. What is your greatest regret?
Going to jail.

34. What is the most embarrassing or shameful thing ever to happen to you?
Getting beat up at school.

35. Do you have any secrets? If so, what are they?
Yes, and they're called secrets for a reason.

36. What is the most evil thing you have ever done?
Nothing short of murder.

37. When was the time you were the most frightened?
Probably when the high schoolers ganged up on me.

38. Have you ever traveled outside of your country? If so, to where?


39. What is your alignment?

40. Are you basically optimistic or pessimistic?

41. Do you believe in a god? If so, which one and why?
Don't know.

42. Do you believe in an afterlife?
Don't know, but if there is, I sure as hell am going to hell.

43. What is your greatest fear?
Matilda Martin.

44. What makes you angry? Sad? Happy? Why?
People, because they annoy me. Blue, because it's a sad color. Knives and bombs because they are destructive.

45. Do you think people are basically good or basically evil?
Both. People are self righteous, survival driven beasts, and most of the time that isn't very good.

46. What are your views on politics? Religion? Sex?
Meh. Meh. Spay and neuter.

47. What are your views on gambling, lying, theft, and killing?
Fun, can be necessary, illegal, I do that too much.

48. How far will you go to defend your beliefs?
Two feet, right through your throat.

49. How much do you value money?

50. In your opinion, what is the most evil thing any human being could do?
Be alive.

51. Do you believe in self-sacrifice for the greater good?
Not really. If the greater good is bad enough for you to have to sacrifice yourself for it, than how good could it really be?

52. Do you believe in the existence of soul mates and/or true love?

53. Are you superstitious?

54. How much do you respect the beliefs and opinions of others?
I respect them, but most of them are bologna.

55. How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings?
I'm a liar.

56. Do you have any biases or prejudices?
Jocks are wusses, humans are annoying, and women bitch too much.

Dealing With Others

57. Who is the most important person in your life, and why?
George and Matilda Martin, without them, I wouldn't be able to pay the hospital bills.

58. Who is the person you respect the most? Despise the most? Why?
Adults, they've survived through this hell longer than me. I despise high schoolers because they look down on me, and they're arrogant.

59. Do you have a significant other? Who?
Hell no!

60. Do you have a lot of friends? Who is your best friend?
Nope. probably Feign, even though I think he tried to kill me.

61. How do you relate to members of the same race? Class? Sex?
Normal on all. Normal being I hide in a corner until they're gone.

62. How do you relate to members of a different race? Class? Sex?
See previous answer.

63. Have you ever been in love? If so, describe what happened.

64. What do you look for in a potential lover?

65. How close are you to your family?
Not very, they're all dead.

66. Do you want a marriage, family, and/or children?
Nope, nope, and nope.

67. Do you tend to argue with people, or avoid conflict?
Argue until somehow I end up killing them. They always strike first, I swear it.

68. Are you a listener or a talker?
Listener, except when I'm talking.

69. How long does it usually take for you to trust others?
Very, very long. About thirty years or so, seeing how I don't trust anyone.

70. Do you hold grudges?

71. Do you tend to take on leadership roles in social situations?
Only when it's needed.

72. Do you like interacting with large groups of people?

73. How well do you express yourself?
Not very well.

74. How quickly do you judge others?
Pretty quickly, and most of the time I'm right.

75. Do you care what others think of you?

76. Do you have any enemies? How or why are they your enemy?
Yeah, Zack. He tried to kill me, after I killed one of his call girls who broke into my house.

Personal Taste and Opinions

77. What is your favorite pastime? Color? Food? Possession?
Bomb circuitry. Dark yellow. Rare steak. Matte black Ka-Bar 7 inch blade combat knife.

78. What are your preferences in arts and/or entertainment?
Classical music, and heavy metal. I prefer video games to music, but beggars can't be choosers.

79. Do you smoke, drink, go whoring, or use drugs? Why or why not?.
Don't smoke because I can't get any cigarettes, drinking is the same, whoring is just a hell no situation, and drugs get you addicted, and then you jump in a pool with no water. I don't want to jump in a pool with no water.

80. How do you spend a typical Saturday night?
In my room, either sharpening my knife or on the computer.

81. What is your most cherished fantasy?
Living in a cabin, far away from everyone else, and eating steak.

82. How long is your attention span?
Depends on what. I could listen to a teacher forever, but that's because I zone out and put everything in a different compartment of my brain.

83. Do you laugh a lot? What do you find funny?
Not really. Not much short of sadism.

84. Is there anything that shocks or offends you? If so, what?
I don't get shocked very easily because I expect it, but Jacquelyn was freaking scary. She offended me, too. She was a whore, that explains all of it.

85. How do you deal with stress?
Getting in fist fights, or walking.

86. How much athletic ability do you have? Artistic?
More than average, but no too much more than average. A little, not much.

87. Do you like animals? Do you like children?
Yes, no.

88. Are you spontaneous, or do you always need to have a plan?
Plans are necessary, unless they're not. I plan when I can, and I don't plan when I can't.

89. What are your pet peeves?
Asymmetry, giggliy bitches, and teenagers, even though I am one.


90. What is your greatest strength as a person? Weakness?
Bomb making. Humanity.

91. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
A conscience.

92. Are you generally introverted or extroverted?
I'm bipolar like that, but right now I'd say introverted.

93. Do you like yourself?
Not really, I think I'll probably grow up to be the bane of the world.

94. Do you have a daily routine? How do you feel if your day is interrupted?
Not really, relieved.

95. What goal do you most want to accomplish in the next six months? Your lifetime?
Get out of this hell hole city, to get a legitamet job, and to stop killing people.

96. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? 20 years?
School. Work or jail. Dead.

97. If you could choose, how would you want to die?
Painfully. I deserve it.

98. What is the one thing you would like to be remembered for after your death?
Killing the president, which will probably never happen.

99. What three words would you use to best describe your personality?
Spontaneous, schizoid, paranoid.

100. What three words would others probably use to describe you?
Terrifying, rude, scary

101. Why are you risking your life to adventure?
I'm not, I'm just very unlucky.
Here's the blank: [link]
This one's on my OC Svein.
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