
LightningFennec's Written OC Meme (Filled Out)

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Literature Text

Hello, and welcome to this little narrative meme. Try to make the answers as long and descriptive as you can, or just put it in role-play format. Now, introduce us to 5 of your characters (again, try to be descriptive):

1.) Svein; Grew up in an abusive household where his father would become severely drunk, and beat the crap out of him. He ended up running away, and shooting his father in self defense. After the cops arrived, he fled in fear. Even though he plead self defense, he was locked up in a time cell for 30 years, when he would be released, and would be physically the same age.
13 Years old, serial killer

2.) Jenz; A Danish thief who immigrated (legally) to Texas with her twin brother when they were five. After there parents died when they were twelve, they made a promise to get their way back to Copenhagen. After stealing enough money, and meeting a few friends, they got plane tickets to Copenhagen, and then their plane crashed.
14 Years old, master thief.

3.) Eveline Rebecca Gagnon; a French girl who was wrongfully admitted to an asylum at the age of 16. There, she met two insane friends who were murdered by a Russian guard, who was insane himself. Eveline became famous for her lovely, and hypnotically mesmerizing, singing voice, and is not bad in hand to hand combat. Was released from Asile-Rouge soon after she helped bring the Russian to light.
16 Years old, has a lovely singing voice, and is French

4.) Slasher/Michael; Had a relatively normal childhood until he was about twelve, when he disappeared for several years (it is believed he went to the Pokemon world). When he returned, he had developed small telekinesis skills. Pretty soon, he could lift stuff with his mind, up to about five pounds, and through vigorous training, he mastered the art of changing the path of a bullet. When he turned 18 he was drafted into the Israeli military, where he was one of the best snipers. When a bombing blew off his arm and damaged both of his lungs and his heart, he was fixed up with a titanium hand, and 'prosthetic' lungs and heart. Soon after that, he was dishonorably discharged for a bar fight, and he became a freelance assassin/bounty hunter.
27 Years old, has telekinetic powers and is part cyborg.

5.) Dorian; Was diagnose with psychopathy at a very young age, when he fried the family dog, and was taken to an asylum a few years later. It was there that he discovered an obsession with spoons. Especially the ones he sharpened. Soon after, when the doctor came in for his checkup, Dorian attacked the doctor with the spoon, quickly dispatching of all the guards in the area.
17 Years old, schizophrenic, psychotic, and a compulsive lire.

1.) [Svein] and [Dorian] get framed by [Eveline] and are now running from the police. What were they framed for, and how do they get away from the police?
“Darn it! Stupid bitch framed us, and made it away with the goods!” shouted Dorian as he vaulted over the counter of the bank, and rapidly folded his oversized spoon into an SMG.
“Shut up, idiot, they'll be here in twenty seconds, get ready.” Svein said as he pulled a proximity mine out of his coat pocket, and tossed it on the floor. He grinned when he heard the reassuring #BEEP# as it armed itself. The glass doors and windows all shattered as five cops busted their way into the bank Svein, Dorian, and Eveline had broken into not twenty minutes ago. As a dove flies in midair, the cops glided from one cover to next, periodically flipping tables, just like the ones that hid Dorian and Svein.
Svein shot a small wire across the floor, and into the wall as he set up a makeshift nail claymore, and ran down the hall, making way much more noise than necessary. Dorian, on the opposite side of the building, shot out the door as all the cops ran in the direction of Svein's footsteps. Dorian was met at the door by a large squad of more cops, all smoking and eating doughnuts.
“What the-” one of the cops began, just as Dorian began to mow them all down with his spoon SMG (SSMG). Blood sprayed out of many wounds, and several arms tore out of their sockets as Dorian sprayed magazine upon magazine at the cops in a brutal wave of smoking led.
The cops ran down the hall way after Svein, single file, and then one of them was popped by the proximity mine, which splattered him all over his friends, who all froze in terror. A finger of the first cop hit the wire for the claymore, which fired hundreds of tiny nails at the rest of the cops, mutilating all of them beyond repair, and killing three of them. Svein dashed back past the torched and nailed guards, and out the door, to meet Dorian, who was laughing maniacally as he pounded more led into the already long dead guards.
“Idiot, stop shooting. You're wasting ammo and drawing attention, now move.” Svein said as he slapped Dorian in the back of the head and began to run in the direction he hoped Eveline had run away in.

2.) [Jenz] and [Slasher] team up and decide to kidnap you. How does it go?
They'd strap me down, and make me write them both lengthy, quality stories before executing me. (Perhaps a nice, rustic guillotine.)

3.) [Eveline] starts a restaurant. What happens?
Eveline is a horrible cook, she'd get no business, and burn the building down.

4.) [Dorian] takes [Jenz] to a bar where [Slasher] is the bartender, [Eveline] is drunk in the corner and [Svein] is throwing up.
“Get your ass over here, you stupid bitch!” Dorian shouted as he poked Jenz with a cattle rod, and yanking the shackles he had her in towards himself.
“Go to Hell.” Jenz muttered as she rubbed the arm Dorian had just electrocuted. Dorian drug Jenz into the wall of the building, and proceeded to punch her in the face several times, before throwing here into the door, pushing it open with a loud thud.
“How many times have I told you, “Never come here again,” and “Let Jenz go,” Dorian?” Slasher asked as he pulled a sawn-off shotgun out from under the bar.
“...” was all Dorian could mutter before a slug fired from one barrel, and into his arm. The impact of the slug slammed Dorian into the wall, and violently knocked his head against the bricks, knocking him unconscious. Slasher walked over to Jenz, who was also slammed to the floor by the blast, and offered her his hand.
“Sorry about the mess.” Slasher muttered as he pulled Jenz off of the dusty stone floor, gesturing towards her blood spattered clothing.
“Nothing I've never had to deal with before. So how's business?” Jenz said nonchalantly as Slasher unlocked the shackles.
“See for yourself.” Slasher muttered through his ever present cigarette, and gestured his arm around the room:
Svein sat on the floor, hurling and shouting “What the Hell was that shit!?”
“Vodka, moron, you asked for it.” Slasher responded. Jenz giggled a little, and felt bad about it, when she saw his only other customer, Eveline, who was sobbing in the corner table, and shouting some random French gibberish that Jenz wished she could catch even half of.
“Je.. je... j'aime jouere... j'aime...” Eveline muttered before she passed out.
“Should we move her off the floor? I doubt it's sanitary...” Jenz said with a disgusted look on her face.
“Nah, she'll be awake in a couple minutes, that was only her... fourth time passing out tonight.” Slasher said, looking at his watch.

5.) It's Georgia orange day! The oranges are the size of your head! [Character 1] has an orange, but the others don't. How do they react?
“I HAVE AN ORANGE!!!” Dorian shouted as he held the basketball sized orange next to his head.
“Piss off asshole.” was the only response he got, and it was from Slasher.
“BASTARD!!!! HOW DARE YOU HAVE NO RESPECT FOR THE ORANGES!!!!” Dorian shouted as he rushed at Slasher, preparing to smash his head in the gigantic orange.
“Holy shit!” Svein said as he walked out of the restroom, and saw Dorian rushing towards Slasher with a super massive orange. Slasher pulled an Uzi from his coat, and shot Dorian in the chest enough times to leak all of his blood on the ground.
“At ease.” Slasher said as he sat back down, and pulled another cigarette from his box, and lit up.

6.) [Eveline] gets the super power they've always wanted. What is the power, and what do they do with it?
“Salut!” Eveline shouted as flew through the air, flying next to a flock of seagulls, a massive grin plastered to her face as she discovered, for the first time, air travel.

7.) [Svein] and [Dorian] found out that [Eveline] framed them, and decide to get back at them. What do they do?
“Let's kill the little bitch, but we must torture her first!” Dorian said, twitching as he said so.
“Nope.” Svein said as he walked off. “I'm just going to get my share.” Svein looked up as he heard some shouting above him, and watched as Eveline flew thousands of feet overhead, face first into an airplane.
“Problem: solved.” Svein grimaced as he was showered in red mist.

8.) Somehow, [Eveline]'s restaurant caught on fire! What do they do?
“No!” Eveline shouted as she saw her attempt at a bag of instant popcorn burst into flames on the stove.
“My life's work... extinguished...” she said, and shot herself in the head.

(Lets have it for mentally unstable French girls in the 19th century! #clap clap clap#

9.) [Jenz] decides to go on vacation. Where do they go? What do they do?
“Hey, Jensen, let's go back to Texas for a few days, see how the others are doing, if they're even still alive...” Jenz said to her twin.
“Nah.” they both said in unison.
“How about... we go to France and visit Eveline? I'm sure she'd appreciate the company.”
At that, Jenz and Jensen left on a plane, that was forced to travel back over a hundred years, just to see an adopted French girl's funeral, where they discussed her failures in life. AND LIFE FOREVER AFTER SUCKED!!!

10.) [Slasher] finds out that [Jenz] left them to go on vacation. How do they react? What do they do?
… Slasher currently lives in Israel, Jenz lives in Copenhagen, Denmark. Do you honestly think he cares?

11.) Meanwhile, [Svein] and [Dorian] decide to go visit [Jenz]. How does it go?
“DORIAN!” Svein shouted, “Get your hands off of her! And how many times am I going to have to tell you to stop sharpening my spoons!?” Svein grabbed a hold on Dorian's shirt collar, and threw him too the ground tossing his knife into Dorian's calf.
“Many more...” Dorian muttered as he removed the knife from his calf, and began to slip away into the shadows, plotting his revenge.

12.) The characters encounter a Mary-sue/Gary-stu! What do they do?
Wild Katniss Everdeen appears!
Go Slasher!
What will Slasher do?
→ Desert Eagle
Slasher used Desert Eagle Attack!

It's super effective!
Wild Katniss is mortally wounded, and horribly disfigured!
Slasher tortured wild Katniss!
Disfigure body?
Slasher caught wild Katniss on fire.
Slasher felled wild Katniss!
Slasher: “w00t!”

13.) [Jenz] and [Slasher] meet a celebrity. How does it go?
“Hey Jenz, wanna kill Justin Beiber?” Slasher asked as he ran the rag through the barrel of his Mosin Nagant.
“Sure. He sounds like shit, and he looks like it too.”
* * *
As Jenz arrives at the concert, posed as a Justin Beiber fan, she speaks into the wire hidden behind her ear.
“Why the hell do I have to wear this crap? It's humiliating!” she spoke through the wire to Slasher, who was just taking position on an opposing building, taking aim down the scope of his rifle.
“So you can blend in.”
“Can't I blend in with normal people?”
“That is how a normal person dresses nowdays, now hush before you blow cover. I'm just here to take out security, you get to do the kidnapping.” Slasher muttered as he took aim at the chest of a body guard.
Jenz weaved through the crowd until she was at the edge of the 'mosh pit' and in a front row seat.
“Hey! That's my seat!” a girl squealed at Jenz. Jenz looked at her with fire in her eyes, and through a punch hard enough to knock a full grown man twenty feet back, into the girls forehead, knocking unconscious. Nobody noticed, they too mesmerized by the girl walking onto the stage. Jenz realized that the shaggy headed girl, was really Justin Beiber. The ugly little shit held up the micro phone, and began 'singing'
“BABY BaBy oOooOOOOooOOOOOoOoOo! BABY! BABY!!!!! BA-” Beiber was cut off by a bullet whisping through the air, and taking out one of his guards.
“Bullet proof that, asshole.” Slasher muttered as he fired several more shots into the other guards.
As Slasher took out all of the guards, Jenz rushed up the stage, and removed the small knife from her belt, and hissed it through Beiber's throat, spraying blood across the squealing audience.
“Sorry Slasher, I couldn't take another minute of him. No loosing Dorian on him today.” Jenz said as she tossed of the JB tee shirt, and lit fire to it, happy to have the monstrosity off of her, and a plain tee shirt instead.

14.) The meme is over!
Me: Good, now I can sleep.
Svein: Hm? Meme...? What? Go away.
Jenz: Good, now write the next part of my story!
Eveline: Je ne parle pas anglais.
Slasher: Piss off, I'm trying to drink here!
Dorian: Crap! I never even got to kill Jenz!
Sa'rigt, so you may be saying "Yay! Nevilsnake has posted more literature! Now I will read!" but after looking at it, you will really be saying "NUUUUUU!!!" because it's just another shitty meme to try and get over writer's block XD
Find the meme here, if you'e bored enough to search for ANY memes XD [link]

If you're offended by this, you're a dumb a-, I mean sorry. :XD:
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